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A Tree Disease that is Harming Maple Trees in New York


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Protect Your Norway Maple from This Ugly Tree Disease

/ / Tree Services

One common tree disease in New York is tar spot. In this year, New York was hit hard by a lot of rain during spring and summer; thus why, tar spot is having its moment. When it comes to the most vulnerable tree species to its effects, we have the Norway maple. If you have it on your yard, make sure to read this useful info.

Here at Everything Tree Service, we put a lot of attention to your trees, and we want them to be healthy all the time. Get in contact with us in case you need any help regarding tree care, tree trimming, tree removal, or stump grinding. All of these services are delivered with upmost quality.

You May Be Wondering: What is Tar Spot?

In simple words, it is a fungal disease that causes dark black lesions on your maple leaves. Then, it makes them fall prematurely. This tree disease is caused by the fungus Rhytisma Acerinum. And this condition gets worse when there is a lot of humidity during spring and summer.

What is Tar Spot

These tar spots are very unattractive, especially during fall because this is the time we expect to see a beautiful foliage display. Fortunately, it does not cause long-term damage to your maple tree.

What Can I Do About This Tree Disease?

We recommend that you start raking all maple’s fallen leaves and burn them or eliminate them. Otherwise, if you leave those fallen leaves in your yard until spring, they will produce tar spot spores. You don´t want that to happen since they will probably contaminate your tree during the new foliage stage.

What is Tar Spot

Another way to reduce tar spot in your tree is by eliminating all excess of moisture. One way to do it is by increasing the grade around them to eliminate standing water.

If you want to give some chemical treatment, there some fungicides available for the control of tar spot. In the case that you are planting a new maple tree, you must provide some care with fungicides every year, so it grows strong. Once the tree has grown enough, you can stop applying fungicide. This is because a grown tree can defend itself against this ugly tree disease.

One of the best news about this tree disease is that it does not affect the top performers of the fall foliage display; red and sugar maples.

It is important that you provide good care to your trees. That is why it is important that when your tree has a disease you get the help of an expert arborist. Here at Everything Tree Service, our knowledgeable and skilled arborists will help you keep your trees healthy and wonderful.